Sunday, November 9, 2008

Our Great Nation

I posted the facebook note on election night:

It is really hard for me to talk about the election without emphasizing personal points, seeing as I am a long-time Obama supporter and worked for his campaign.
But, even besides that, I feel so blessed to have had a chance to be a part of history.

Today, I saw masses of people join together to partake in an event larger than themselves - people who, years ago, would have found no common ground.

Today, I witnessed men in a state of mild disbelief, saying to each other, "In my lifetime... I was able to witness this in my lifetime... I never thought I would see the day," and it made me cry.

I can't even begin to understand the suffering many groups of people in older generations had to endure in the past. But, I think I may have an inkling of the joy and liberation they felt today, as they saw the first black man to become president walk onto the stage admist deafening cheers. Fifty years ago, this would not have been possible at all. In one election, we have changed the course of history.

Please, don't forget this day. No matter if you were overjoyed or devastated, don't forget this day, for this reason: no matter what your opinion is of our new president, you can still have the capacity to appreciate the historical implications of the election.

My favorite image from the coverage of Obama's acceptance speech was seeing the crowd watching in Kenya. It was moving. What will your favorite image be, and how will it mold your memory of tonight?


Jaime said...

WTF!!! You have a blog!!! HAHAHA
Oh my god kelly! I never knew!
I about crapped my pants when I saw your name!! And I was thinking 'Is this the kelly cosby I know?'
And it was! HA weird

looovee yooouuuu!! :)

~Jaime Welsh